As a Student-athlete, school will play a key role in every pupil's development not only from an educational perspective but also from a social standpoint. Having good grades and being a well-rounded individual are two major qualities which college coaches will look for during the recruiting process.
We have teamed up with "GEMS First Point School" in order to deliver a first class educational program alongside their golf development.

GEMS FirstPoint School provides students with an outstanding environment to achieve excellence in education alongside an Elite Golf Programme.
Working exclusively alongside Gems First Point School, we offer a bespoke curriculum to elite level golfers, allowing them to gain qualifications both academically and vocationally without impacting on their training and coaching development. Aiming to provide a pathway into the professional game through scholarships to NCAA universities or professional coaching centres.
Features of the programme include
A bespoke curriculum - Whilst studying the National Curriculum for England, students will be exposed to a multitude of Science, Mathematics and English objectives that can be taught through the game of golf e.g. the physics involved in the golf swing, or the numbers you can analyse in swing paths, ball spin rates and stoke percentages.
Students will be given the opportunity to gain their GCSEs and A-Levels whilst still playing at the level they need to.
Pastoral care and support to ensure students are managing their schedules and maintain excellence in both their golf and their education.
Personalised time table for each student enrolled in the programme.
Understanding from class teachers of pressures and demands in golf for elite performers.
Regular communication between school and home regarding performance in school.
Currently available to students from 11 - 18 years old.

Elite Golf Scholarships
Scholarships for Elite Golfers are available. Student applications for a golf scholarship will be reviewed by the scholarship committee. Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis. The programme will be reviewed every year to ensure continuous excellence.
To be eligible for renewal, students must meet the following criteria:
Attain required progress grades in all subjects.
Maintain course pacing requirements, completing courses on time without extensions.
Meet attendance requirements as identified in the student handbook.
Participate in all mentoring meetings and activities unless excused by the mentor.
Awardees must agree to represent their school in their area of specialism.